Grim toll: 8,672 students killed, 353 schools, universities destroyed in Israeli Occupation assault


Published: 2024-07-02 11:51

Last Updated: 2024-07-04 20:11

Destroyed school in Gaza.
Destroyed school in Gaza.

The current assault has devastated Gaza's educational system, killing students and their teachers.

The Palestinian Ministry of Education reported that since the start of the Israeli Occupation assault on October 7, 8,672 students were killed and 14,583 others injured in Gaza and the West Bank.

**Detailed Statistics by Region:**

- Killed: Over 8,572 students
- Injured: 14,089 students

Teachers and Administrators:
- Killed: 497
- Injured: 3,402
- Detained: 109

Educational Infrastructure:
- Bombed and Damaged: 353 schools and universities, including 65 affiliated with UNRWA
- Completely Destroyed: 93 schools
- Severely Damaged: 139 schools
- Shelters: 133 government schools used as shelters

West Bank:
- Killed: 100 students
- Injured: 494 students
- Detained: 349 students
- Stormed and Damaged: 57 schools

- About 620,000 students are still unable to attend school since the start of the assault.
- Most students suffer from psychological trauma and face difficult health conditions.

The Ministry of Education emphasized that 620,000 students in Gaza remain out of school, enduring severe psychological trauma and health challenges. These statistics highlight the devastating impact on Gaza's educational sector, with widespread destruction and significant psychological and health effects on students and teachers.